As a home owner, you are responsible for maintaining your pool barriers and meeting the City of Gold Coast Pool Fencing Regulations and safety Standards. Failure to comply with new legislation can result in fines of up to $20K ………..
You can find out more information about your responsibilities on this web address.
We can supply PERSPEX® or LEXAN sheet product in flat sheet or bent, to bring your existing Pool Fencing up to the required standards.
There are two types of materials that are approved and can be used on POOL Fence Guards…. PERSPEX® Sheet (Acrylic) & LEXAN Sheet (Polycarbonate).
PERSPEX® sheet is the most widely used material for POOL Fence Guards to meet the strict standards laid down by the Gold Coast City Council & Queensland Building & Construction Commission Safety Standards.
Thickness is normally 3mm thick clear but for larger areas 4.5mm thick material may be needed……talk to us and we can advise.
PERSPEX® Pool Guards have an impact strength 17 times stronger than glass, has excellent UV resistance and can be made into virtually any shape.
PERSPEX® will crack under severe impact, but will not shatter like glass.
LEXAN Polycarbonate is sold under the trade name of LEXAN and has a superior impact strength of up to 250 times that of glass, it is fire resistant & mechanically a lot stronger but more flexible material.

Buy Acrylic Sheet (Perspex) & Polycarbonate (Lexan) Sheet Now
LEXAN Polycarbonate has a UV protected film on both sides of the sheet of which gives a guaranteed 10 years of service outdoors whereas PERSPEX® is guaranteed for 30 years as it has in-built UV stabilises within the material.
LEXAN Polycarbonate sheet has a 89% light transmission of light, compared to 92% for PERSPEX®.
PERSPEX® can be polished using “Brasso” to remove fine scratches whereas Polycarbonate is a lot more difficult to remove marks & scratches.
Both materials can be cut with conventional jig-saws, routers and panel saws.
The material must always be laid flat on a surface and be well supported, when doing any cutting, use carbide tipped negative rake saw blades for best results. (Available at Bunnings)
PERSPEX® can be cut on a Laser Machine leaving polished edge or router cut whereas LEXAN Polycarbonate can only be cut using a jig saws, routers & panel saws.

When drilling into PERSPEX® or LEXAN Polycarbonate, use a drill with a tip that has been ground to give a neutral rake at the cutting edge…(or use a blunt drill) Always have the material well supported and do not rush, use a block of wood under where you are drilling….. if it drills to easily the drill bits too sharp!
Do not place holes too close to the edge…..the material will break…..suggest 30mm in from edges.
DO NOT POP RIVET PERSPEX® sheet, it will crack, always drill an oversize hole, say 6mm dia. and use a roofing screw with a rubber washer…do not over tighten….the larger hole is to allow for expansion and contraction of the material.
LEXAN Polycarbonate should also not be pop riveted as cracks will appear around this area over time.
Both materials are easily cleaned using a 100% cotton cloth or microfiber and simple soapy water……..Water based window cleaners such as WINDEX are ideal.
Do not use any organic solvent based cleaners on these materials as they will attack the surface causing damage.
LEXAN Polycarbonate Sheet scratches more easily than PERSPEX®, so it depends where it is being used…..from an earth moving machine (requires impact resistance) to a pool fence guard (a guard only).
PERSPEX® sheet also has much better chemical resistance than LEXAN Polycarbonate.
Both products may be guaranteed for outdoor use, although LEXAN Polycarbonate does not have the same UV guarantee than PERSPEX® outdoors.

LEXAN Polycarbonate sheet is approx.. 35% more expensive than a PERSPEX® sheet of the same size and thickness……however, where you would use 4.5mm thick PESPEX®, you can use 3mm Thick LEXAN Polycarbonate.
Attached is a small information sheet……DOES YOUR POOL COMPLY?